Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Memory lane...

on the road <3

We went for ice cream as soon as we arrived :)

I loved the buildings. It's definitely on top of my list when it comes to architecture.

Aida is the best place to go and have something sweet and cup of coffee. 

Parks, parks, parks everywhere!

Outdoor movies + dinner.

Danube! <3

@Schönbrun Palace

A friend of mine is going to Vienna this weekend and although I was supposed to have the same plans, things unfortunately changed. So now I'm sitting home, looking through my old photos and feeling awful :(

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mon coeur ne bat plus quand je te vois

1. Late nights out. 2. Sunny mornings. 3. Stupid haircuts. 4. Spring delights. 
Caspar David Friedrich - Abbey in the oak woods

Caspar David Friedrich - Wanderer above the sea of fog

Caspar David Friedrich - Chalk cliffs on Rügen

I've been trying to start working on a paper for a very important presentation on aestheticism that's coming up. One of the books I've chosen for inspiration is Umberto Eco's History of Beauty. I say 'trying' because I keep getting caught up in reading the book and admiring the paintings that I completely forget I'm supposed to be taking notes and such. The one's above are among my favorites.

  • one night I started missing and dreaming about summer. That's how I stumbled upon Ana Cabaleiro's summer photography. I think it's absolutely gorgeous! I made me even more excited!
  • french music, french music, french music!
  • I like going through this blog in the morning. Next to a cup of tea and something sweet, it somehow gets me ready for the day :)
  • even if nothing is certain, I keep reading and looking at pictures of this heavenly city! I keep hoping things will turn out my way 

Friday, April 13, 2012

In my dreams I'm there

Afternoon delights

Spring feeling

Get the dresses out
Finally here! 

Late night movies and snacks.

  • weird days with sun and snow
  • too much time on ommwriter
  • new favorite blog
  • I'm really starting to like them
  • 3 days to relax, then get back to work

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Into The Wild

So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future” 
- Jon Krakauer