The last 4 days have been more eventful than the 2 weeks of vacation I had. Mostly because I decided to face the cold instead of waiting for Spring to come. So I just said yes! to every invitation to go out that I got.
That's how I managed to get a lot of new things that I absolutely adore!
I love this broche!! Initially it wad for my mother but I liked it so much that I let her know that if it's not really something she'd wear, I'd be happy to take it off her hands :D Very subtle...
This one was a gift from some friends at college. I don't usually wear broches but now I'll definitely work on that. I think they've become my newest obsession.
This is... coffee in a tiny bottle. I'm not sure what to do with it yet but it's so lovely! One of my best friends made it for me because she knows I have a thing for coffee beans.
Everything you see below is hand made also! Of course, still coffee related. The ring is my favorite gift! Unfortunately I managed to already ruin it and a small string of leather fell but it's not really noticeable. The candle looks too good so I don't think I'll ever light it :D And the little picture hasn't found a perfect wall to be displayed on yet.
I've been trying to convince my friend to let me help her start a blog and advertise all her little creations but she's still a bit skeptical.
I also can't wait to delight myself with these lovelies: (The last book is called Blue Mondays)
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